Friday, April 10, 2009

When Your Oldest Turns 16

On Wednesday of this week, Seely turned 16. It's hard to believe that the tiny baby I held so many years ago is now capable of picking me up.
We had lunch out with friends, and Chinese for dinner to celebrate. He opened gifts and then spent the evening at church leading his AWANA Cubbies group, like the responsible young man that he is. Tonight, we will have the bigger family dinner out at the restaurant of his choice.
When Seely was an infant, during all of those late night feedings, I made a habit of praying for the young man he would someday become - that he would grow into a man of character and who followed God with his whole heart. God has truly answered our prayers, for our son has become a wonderful young man who we are very proud of and love more than we can say.
And so begins the last two years of letting him go.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How bittersweet! I would be in tears. Do we HAVE to let them go one day? :(