Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday Co-op Fun!

Today was our first day back to "Friday Classes" - the homeschool co-op group at our church. It is a great group of families, and in addition to the classes, we do alot of chatting, laughing, and encouraging each week.
The older students are currently learning about film-making, and are in a literature group that is currently reading Redwall. Don't they look like they are having fun???? They are playing an improv game called "Party Quirks" (right? One of you correct me if I'm wrong!) to get them loosened up for their film-making class.
The younger students are studying Minnesota history, and have their own literature group working it's way through the Little House on the Prairie series. Here they are learning to play Mexican train while waiting for the older kids to finish up.
Each week we also do a service project for the church by going through the holders on all of the chairbacks, making sure the pencils are sharp, and that they have all of the items they are supposed too. With so many kids, it doesn't take us very long at all.

And when we're through, we head off to everyone's favorite part of the day - lunch! Sometimes we order pizza in, and other days we go out, but we always have a wonderful time together. And I'm pretty sure that between the six of us moms, we could solve just about any family life problem that there is!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a blessing to have your co-op! I am a teacher in public school, and I meet so many teachers who are against homeschool. However, I see so many of you doing such a GREAT job! I think they just don't see what a great job is being done in many families!